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4D Avionic Systems

During the summer of 2020, I was fortunate enough to apply what I have learned so far from SUAS Design Team as an intern at 4D Avionic Systems. The company has been working on simulating a new flight navigation algorithm and needed someone to develop a working prototype to test and showcase.

The prototype I delivered at the end of my internship was capable of flying the new flight navigation algorithm. Also, to adhere to FAA regulations on unmanned aircrafts, I obtained FAA's part 107 remote pilot license with the company's support. Learning about various regulations and limits with small UAS operation was beneficial.

From the moment I walked into the office, my mind was all about figuring out the structure and components of the system. From selecting batteries to frame size and firmware on the autopilot, it was like Christmas. Of course I had few headaches along the way dealing with Linux driver issues and dependency problems but in the end I was very satisfied with the result.